Bees and beekeepers across Middlesex County are highly recognized for producing some of the best honey in the world. The connection between humans and nature, working collectively truly highlights the BEE-utiful outcome of co-operation! Honey is not only a great sustainable resource, it in many ways can improve our health, supports local business and retains entrepreneurs with their continued success in our community.
By working together, bees and their caretakers are creating sustainable environments by implementing natural processes. Bees play a crucial role in pollination which is essential for the reproduction of many plants and food crops in Middlesex County. This process helps to maintain biodiversity and supports our ecosystems. Bee keeping practices are managed to ensure the well-being of the current bee population and promotes sustainable harvesting of honey all year round. When speaking with Albert from McFalls Honey in Parkhill, he addressed the importance of rural accommodation, and the success of his company by offering roadside pickup. This is one of the many special places to visit in Middlesex in order to gain the unique experience of farm fresh, hands to table food items, outside of the regular day to day shopping experience.
Honey maintains the best shelf life compared to all other pantry products. This versatile ingredient is used as a great sugar substitute for baking and cooking, and also holds the key ingredient for at home skin care and wound healing. When pollination of indigenous plants and flowers surrounding the area, are introduced to the local residents immune system, they act as a natural barrier. When local residents ingest honey made in their community it’s a natural booster, to alleviate allergy symptoms, coughs and colds.
Other sweet success stories within our honey community includes the innovation of Mead. Also known as Hydromel, this is a curated beverage made from the fermentation of honey mixed with water. Heeman’s located in Thorndale Ontario which holds home to more than 100 hives, has mastered this process. Their exclusive collection includes; Honeyberry Mead, Cherry Grove Mead and Black Stripe Bochet Mead – which is the strongest of their pairings standing higher than most spirits at 16.0%. Each beverage is infused with different botanicals and offers a twist of individual honey enjoyment.
We are proud to celebrate our local honey makers like Harem Hill Honey, Walker's Honey, and Earth + Honeybee and more. All of these products ad-here to the success of local bee farmers and their continued dedication of creativity within our sector. With the help of local farmers and the maintenance of the connection we have with nature. We hope you enjoy honey hunting in Middlesex County!