Lucan St. Pats 10K Run, 5K Walk, 5K & 1K Kid's Run

Lucan District Lions Club is hosting it's Lucan St. Pats 10K Run, 5K Walk, 5K & 1K Kid's Run

Lucan Memorial Centre
263 Main Street
Lucan ON


Event Type

This year's St. Patrick's event hosted by the Lucan District Lions Club, is extra special! Let's paint the town green, in support of a local little boy waging a big battle. You can cheer, run, skate, bid, rock out, and donate! And of course enjoy some beverages and our famous Irish stew.

Click here to sign-up for the run!

There will also be skating, silent auction, Irish stew and hot dogs during the day. 

The night event includes a silent auction, cash bar, the live band "Buzz Thrill." 

Tickets for the night event available at Foodland, Langford's, or show a donation to the GoFundMe for Hudson