If you love the outdoors and want to find new places to explore, look no further than the Middlesex County Trails Guide. Newly updated, the guide provides information on 23 different forested trails including permitted uses, trail maps, distance, difficulty, parking and washroom facilities.
The Trails Guide includes information about each trail’s history and unique features. You’ll learn about the efforts to regulate the waterflow of the Parkhill creek with the construction of the Parkhill Dam and creation of the Parkhill Reservoir. You’ll discover the importance of Joany’s Woods, a provincially recognized Area of Natural and Scientific Interest. The Guide will tell you what kind of fish you can expect to catch at Springer Lake at Sharon Creek Conservation Authority and the archaeological significance of Big Bend Conservation Area. Each trail has its own QR code so you can look up even more information using your smartphone.
The Guide identifies points of interest like where to find the workshop and boat rentals at A.W. Campbell Conservation Area or the Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Resource Centre and Museum at Longwoods Road Conservation Area. Each point of interest is clearly marked on the trails map.
There are also tips to keep you safe and ensure you get the most out of your outdoor experience like sun safety, how to prevent tick bites and the best way to ensure your bike helmet fits properly. There is even a recipe for a delicious trail mix!
You can find everything you need to know to embark on a fun adventure along any of the 23 trails in Middlesex County, right in the Middlesex County Trails Guide. Download or request a copy and get to exploring today!