Annual Events

Rockin Wheel

Rock and Roll Music Festival featuring Canadian Artists to support and raise awareness and prevention research programs for neuro-traumatic injuries.

Strathroy Hometown Festival

The Strathroy Hometown Festival (formally known as the Strathroy Turkey Festival) is a whole weekend event focused on providing family entertainment, live music, friendly competitions and of course, turkey. Some of the events include, show and shine car show, Karaoke Idol, bike rodeo, midway, live bands, and vendor’s alley. Something for everyone – come out and join us the 3rd week in June

Thorndale Fall Fair

The Thorndale Agricultural Society hosts the Annual Thorndale Fall Fair held each September where you can experience animals, rides, model railway, kids’ activities, agricultural education, vendors, antique farm equipment, wagons rides, horse shows, demolition derby, reptile shows, magic shows, parade, live entertainment and more!

Tri-County Heritage Club

The Tri-County presents an annual steam and antique show every year on the second weekend in July at the Ilderton Fair Grounds.