Community Sports Organizations

Little boy playing baseball

Interested in joining a team or trying to figure out how to get your kids involved in a sport? There is a vast array of community organizations within the County, running sports and recreation leagues throughout the year for all ages. Whether you or your kids are interested in joining a municipal league, private club or a community centre-based organization, there are opportunities for everyone to get involved and engage in athletics in a multitude of ways. 

Ilderton Ignite Soccer

Ilderton & District Soccer Club is committed to providing a competitive, supportive and enjoyable environment for our players, coaches, and parents.

Ilderton Skating Club

Ilderton Skating Club is a not for profit Skate Canada sanctioned skating club offering Skate Canada programs. Ilderton Skating Club provides excellent Learn to Skate programs taught by NCCP certified Professional Coaches and amateur Program Assistants. These will prepare any new skater for hockey, ringette, figure skating, or recreational skating.

Lucan Minor Hockey

Established in 1949, Lucan Minor Hockey is a non-profit organization that provides a fun and safe environment for players to develop their hockey skills. Currently, we have 302 registrants, including 96 female and 196 male players. Affiliated with the OMHA , we have competitive teams that compete in the Shamrock League from Novice to Midget. As well, we offer house league teams from Mite to Midget that participate in the Lambton-Middlesex League. Female players have the opportunity to improve their skills and compete against others in the OWHA.

Lucan Skating Club

The Lucan Skating Club is a Skate Canada sanctioned figure skating club, governed by the rules and regulations of the Skate Canada organization.

Lucan Skating Club

The Lucan Skating Club is a Skate Canada sanctioned figure skating club, governed by the rules and regulations of the Skate Canada organization. We are a not-for-profit organization that operates with a group of volunteers. Coaching is led by NCCP certified coaches and volunteer program assistants that are committed to teaching skating and life skills on and off the ice. We offer a variety of Skate Canada programs for all ages, levels, and styles of skating to help build your skaters' abilities and skills.

Lucan Soccer Association

Lucan Soccer promotes fair play in a fun and safe environment. This is a house league, for children ages 4 to 18.

Lucan-Ilderton Minor Ball

Lucan Ilderton Minor Baseball is dedicated, through collaborative leadership, to develop, promote and deliver ethical athlete-centred programs for both boys and girls which allow individuals to maximize their potential in a safe and fun environment.